
what doesn't kill you… helps you kick some ass

Archive for the month “February, 2014”

Ready, Set…

My running buddy - my shoes.So some time back in October or November (I think) the gauntlet was laid down for me (and two other ladies on my street) to run the Hot Chocolate 15k. So first off. I had to giggle when this topic was brought up because I ran the 5k portion of the Hot Chocolate the year before and I vividly remember calculating how far a 15k was and how I would NEVER, EVER, run that far. I just wasn’t that crazy. And yet… um… here I was thinking about it (and it wasn’t a fleeting thought).

The farthest I’d ever run up to this point was 7 miles and I hadn’t replicated that in months (maybe even a year). I was keeping with my 4-5miles every week. So the first question I thought to myself was “could I even do this”. Could I really run the 9-point-something and not die trying? Then all the thoughts and memories of coaches past started to flood my mind.

“You’re built for speed. Not distance.” That’s what I heard all through middle school and high school. I heard it so much so that I actually believed it. I believed in it so much that I never attempted to run more than a mile on a run. Yes, you read that right. When I would run – I would only run a mile, then I was done. I let what other people thought about my own capabilities control me.

Yet, here I was. I’ve run a dozen or more 5ks and I had been working up the milage on my weekend runs… could I really do it? Could I really run a 15k? I won’t lie – I let those little voice haunt my thoughts for a few weeks. Neighbors would ask if I signed up and I would find some reason why I didn’t. “I need to wait till pay day” was my common answer; no way someone was going to argue with that for an answer.

Then one day at work while waiting for my computer to save my work I looked over and saw my motto, if you will, taped to my wall.

“I can. I will. Watch Me.”

I wanted to stick my tongue out at it. I felt like it knew what was going through my head and mocking me for not wanting being scared of if I can run this race. I rolled my eyes and went straight to the registration page and signed up. Peer pressure from a 3″x2″ piece of paper. Go figure. There was no looking back once I registered and hey if anything I get a cool sweatshirt of out it. I also started to freak myself out with how much training I needed to do and am I going to be able to finish this race (insert small  normal not so normal little freak out).

I slowly started training. Slowly building distance. Before I knew it I ran 8.25, then 9, 10 and… umm… I started to like this long distance thing. So much so… I’m training for a half Marathon in March… yeah I said it. This “built for speed, not distance” girl is taking it to the mattresses and running a half marathon (with the possibility of a Marathon in October).

Today I ran that 15k. I was scared nervous about the race… that is until I looked down at my shoe and saw my RoadID. Inscribed on it is my motto. “I can. I will. Watch me.” The butterflies started to leave and were all gone by the time the race started. I took each mile as it’s own. I was impressed with my pace staying at a very constant 9:50-10:15 pace for each mile.

My joints were fine and didn’t ache. I had been learning how to use a foam roller and running stick to roll out my calves and IT band which had been giving me some issues. I felt amazing during the entire run. I never had a moment where I wanted to give up, I pushed through the hills, was careful on the downhills not to take them too fast and I will admit that my training on the hill at my office came in REALLY handy.

I finished it in 33 degree weather and in 1 hour 35 mins and 30seconds. Which means that I stayed at an average pace of 10:15/mile. My goal was to finish in 1:30-1:35 and I did it (not to mention that on my long run training days I was logging a 1:40 for just 9miles).

Am I proud of myself? Um… duh… yeah! Do I feel I like I proved to the world that I am built for distance? Um… yeah. I will admit though that my run times are way better on 5ks than the longer distances, but hey… I ran it. I finished. And all those coaches who said I wasn’t built for distance can go shovel it.

What’s up next? I’m keeping on the training path for my half-marathon in March. After that? I don’t know. We will see (insert evil grin).

I can. I will. Watch me.

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